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Center for Marine and Environmental Studies

Principle Investigator:
Dr. Robin T Smith

#2 John Brewer’s Bay, St. Thomas, USVI 00802


Located at the University of the Virgin Islands on St. Thomas, the CORAL RESTORATION ECOLOGY LAB is the laboratory of Dr. Robin T. Smith.

Our research is focused broadly on understanding thermal-tolerance in corals, and primarily how physiological differences in Symbiodiniaceae (zooxanthellae) and host-symbiont interactions contribute to thermal resilience in corals that build tropical reefs. We utilize this information to develop and test novel coral restoration technologies using a combination of facilitated sexual reproduction, assisted evolution, and manipulative culturing methods to enhance growth and survivorship. 


Dr. Robin T. Smith

Research Assistant Professor of Restoration Ecology
University of the Virgin Islands / Center for Marine and Environmental Studies
#2 John Brewer’s Bay, St. Thomas, USVI 00802

2009-12: Postdoctoral Fellow. UNAM, Puerto Morelos, MX.
(Major Advisor: Roberto Iglesias-Prieto)
2008: Ph.D. Biology. Florida International University, Miami, FL.
(Major Advisor: Todd C. LaJeunesse)
1999: B.S. Biology. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL.

Alexandra Cormack

Graduate Student

M.S. candidate in the Marine and Environmental Studies program at UVI with interests in coral reef conservation and community dynamics. My thesis research is evaluating the utility of microfragmentation as a restoration technique by investigating potential tradeoffs (i.e. reduced calcification, symbiont opportunism, disease) associated with the lesions implemented by the technique to accelerate tissue growth.

2019: B.S. Environmental Biology. SUNY, Syracuse, NY.

Darian Braddy

Graduate Student

M.S. student in the Marine and Environmental Studies program at UVI. My research interests are focused on facilitated sexual reproduction in reef-building corals combined with experimental larval rearing techniques to enhance thermal resilience, and ultimately survivorship of outplants reared for restoration.  

2022: B.S. Marine Sciences. Savannah State University, Savannah, GA.  

Join the Lab


We are currently seeking a Lead Technician for a 3-year project focused on large-scale coral restoration using selective breeding and assisted evolution technologies. More information and application link here.


We have no postdoctoral positions open at the moment, but please contact Robin ( if you have, or are planning to apply for your own funding.


UVI's Master of Marine and Environmental Science program accepts applications every Spring. Before applying, interested prospective students are highly encouraged to contact Robin ( to discuss potential projects, funding sources, and to see if you and the lab are a mutual fit. Please include a letter of interest and your current CV. Placing “prospective MS student” in the subject line will help expedite a response. Additionally, prospective students are welcome to contact current graduate students to gain perspective on life at UVI and in the lab. Also, take a look at the UVI Master of Marine and Environmental Science Program video here.


We are interested in undergraduate students who are able to make an academic year-long commitment to the lab (3 hours of lab time per research credit) or who wish to carry out a thesis-level project in the lab. Interested undergraduates should contact Robin ( with a brief description of their motives for obtaining research experience, a CV/resume, and unofficial transcript.


An invasive zooxanthella in the Caribbean

The alarming decline of coral reef ecosystems worldwide results primarily from episodes of elevated seawater temperatures caused by global climate warming. As such, many research labs, including ours, aim to optimize ecological interventions (i.e. restoration) by finding ways to increase thermal tolerance and resilience in outplanted corals.  

During my PhD I discovered a thermally tolerant species of Symbiodiniaceae (zooxanthellae) present in most reef-building corals of the Caribbean and seeming to thrive in corals experiencing extreme stress (i.e. during mass coral bleaching events) and/or living in marginal environments. Indeed, in colonies dominated by this symbiont species, the corals are often able to tolerate temperatures 1-2°C higher than normal. At first it appeared that corals may be “switching” to a more thermally tolerant symbiont in an adaptive response to climate warming, but further investigation utilizing molecular genetics uncovered the invasion of this zooxanthella into the Caribbean from the Indo-Pacific. This zooxanthella is now formally named, Durusdinium trenchi, and while it does display impressive thermal tolerance, our research is uncovering significant costs to Caribbean corals as a result of this microbial invasion. Reduced rates of calcification and compromised gamete formation are two of the negative trade-offs associated with D. trenchi that we’ve observed, but it’s likely others exist. Investigating the opportunistic ecology of D. trenchi in the Caribbean is an active area of research in our lab as this information is critical for optimizing ecological intervention efforts in the Virgin Islands and Caribbean-wide.  

Comparison of photosynthetic rates and instantaneous calcification among different coral-Symbiodiniaceae combinations. (A) In the Greater Caribbean, D. trenchi associates with reef building colonies of Orbicella spp. living in warm environments and/or recovering from episodes of bleaching. (Inset) Magnified Symbiodiniaceae measuring ~ 8–12 μm in cell diameter. (B) In hospite D. trenchi photosynthesizes (Pmax) at rates statistically indistinguishable from native host symbionts (undescribed species A3, B17, and C7) but (C) can significantly reduce rates of coral calcification measured over a range of temperatures. Calcification rates in colonies with D. trenchi were statistically different (up to 50% less) than colonies with native symbionts at all temperatures.

 Engineered Holobionts

Our lab is focused on ecological intervention projects to enhance coral genetic diversity and standing stocks of key reef-building species in the Virgin Islands. To approach these goals, we implement selective breeding of corals using in vitro fertilization and captive settlement of the larvae. We first identify donor colonies with desirable characteristics (i.e. bleaching or disease resistance) and then carefully prepare for coral spawning, which only occurs a few nights per year. Utilizing SCUBA, our student dive teams collect gametes from donor colonies and transport them back to the lab to initiate fertilization between selected colonies. Under controlled laboratory conditions, we can fertilize and produce millions to billions of coral embryos with new genetic diversity in a matter of days.

Through this facilitated sexual reproduction, we can settle and rear tens- to hundreds of thousands of coral larvae each spawning cycle. The larvae begin aposymbiotically, meaning they have not yet acquired their necessary Symbiodiniaceae (zooxanthellae) symbionts. This provides us the unique opportunity to manipulatively engineer this association, by inoculating coral larvae with different species and populations of Symbiodiniaceae. Our primary objective is to produce holobionts (coral and symbiont) with enhanced characteristics. The engineered holobionts are then reared under a range of conditions and challenged with thermal stress and disease transmission experiments to evaluate and identify specific holobiont combinations as candidates for ecological intervention efforts.

The process of facilitated sexual reproduction from gametes to engineered holobiont polyps. (A) One night a year in a synchronized spawning event, colonies of the reef-building coral Orbicella favelolata release gamete bundles (packets of eggs and sperm) from their polyps. (B) Divers collect gamete bundles by placing nets over colonies (as seen in intro video) to funnel the positively buoyant bundles into collection tubes. (C) Eggs and sperm from different colonies are selectively mixed and successful fertilization confirmed using a stereomicroscope to visualize the first rounds of cleavage (cell division). (D) Coral embryos after multiple rounds of cell division. (E) Embryos form swimming larvae in 1-2 days and are settled onto substrates where metamorphosis into primary polyps begins. Prior to this transition is the only they are aposymbiotic (without symbionts); once the oral pore forms they become competent to acquire symbionts. (F) A single engineered O. faveolata polyp inoculated with a specific strain of Symbiodiniaceae that has proliferated throughout the tissue, giving the polyp its brown coloration. Active photosynthesis is visualized here by the oxygen bubble exiting the polyp.

 Assisted Evolution

As the generation times of Symbiodiniaceae are much faster than long-lived corals, the chance for desirable mutations is much greater. By manipulating this in the laboratory through a series of culturing rounds at elevated temperatures (called “ratchet experiments”), we can select for mutated genotypes that demonstrate increased thermal-tolerance. It is important to note that caution must be taken, because similar to the performance of D. trenchi in the Caribbean, there are potential trade-offs and other performance variables (i.e. carbon translocation) that must be evaluated simultaneously with thermal-tolerance. However, once we’ve isolated and screened “enhanced” symbiont genotypes, as compared to the wild-type, we can create clonal cultures for inoculation into aposymbiotic coral embryos to further enhance the rearing of engineered holobionts. These “assisted” corals then serve as prime candidates for propagation and outplanting in coral restoration efforts. 

Assisted evolution from a 1L culture flask to an enhanced engineered holobiont. (A) Graphic representation of a “ratchet experiment” to induce thermal-tolerance mutations in Symbiodiniaceae cultures. (B) Light microscopy of mutated symbiont (brown dots) inoculated into newly settle larvae.(C) Epi-fluorescence microscopy of mutated symbionts in symbioses with coral larvae (red dots indicate active chlorophyll fluorescence of symbiont cells inside coral tissue). (D) Primary coral polyps 15 days post-inoculation with thermally tolerant symbionts created via assisted evolution.

 Manipulative Rearing

Aquarists have known for decades that there are ways to optimize, and even accelerate coral growth. However, caution must be taken to ensure there are no unintended consequences or undesirable tradeoffs that would render them less optimal when outplanted to the reef. For example, seawater parameter manipulations may lead to an increase in linear extension, but result in lower skeletal densities, leading to brittle skeletons that are more susceptible to damage by storms and wave energy.

Our lab is experimenting with artificially optimizing growth rates by manipulating seawater alkalinity, temperature cycling, photoperiod, and water velocity. Accelerating growth from embryo to juvenile stages is critical for scaling land-based nursery propagation for large scale coral restoration efforts.    

For over 50 years, advanced aquarists have reported increased growth and calcification rates in reef-building corals kept in captivity. (A) A private aquarium dominated by stony corals demonstrating increased rates of calcification at alkalinity levels 2x normal seawater. (B) Experimental setups rearing coral larvae and fragments at increased alkalinity, modified photoperiod, and variable temperatures to assess growth and calcification. (C) A manipulatively reared fragment demonstrating increased rates of calcification and branching at elevated seawater alkalinity and modified water flow velocities.





Publications & Presentations

K. Hoadley, D.T. Pettay, A. Lewis, D.C. Wham, C. Grasso, R.T. Smith, D. Kemp, T.C. LaJeunesse, M.E. Warner. Disparity in functional phenotypes among closely-related Cladocopium living in Pacific corals Porites rus and Porites cylindrica from inshore and offshore reefs. In Review. Functional Ecology

K. Hoadley, A. Lewis, D.C. Wham, D.T. Pettay, C. Grasso, R.T. Smith, D. Kemp, T.C. LaJeunesse, M.E. Warner (2021) Different functional traits among closely related algal symbionts dictate stress endurance for vital Indo‐Pacific reef‐building corals. Global Change Biology 27(1648). DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15799.

K. Hoadley, A. Lewis, D.C. Wham, D.T. Pettay, C. Grasso, R.T. Smith, D. Kemp, T.C. LaJeunesse, M.E. Warner (2019). Host–symbiont combinations dictate the photo-physiological response of reef-building corals to thermal stress. Nature – Scientific Reports. 9 (1). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-46412-4.

R.T. Smith and C. Zink. Ingestion of microplastics and their impact on calcification in reef-building corals. 2016 AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

D.T. Pettay, D.C. Wham, R.T. Smith, R. Iglesias-Prieto, T.C. LaJeunesse (2015). Microbial invasion of the Caribbean by an Indo-Pacific coral zooxanthella. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1502283112.

M.P. McGinley, M.D. Aschaffenburg, D.T. Pettay, R.T. Smith, T.C. LaJeunesse and M.E. Warner (2014). Transcriptional response of two core photosystem genes in Symbiodinium spp. exposed to thermal stress. PloS Biology; 7(12). 

M.P. McGinley, M.D. Aschaffenburg, D.T. Pettay, R.T. Smith, T.C. LaJeunesse and M.E. Warner (2012). Symbiodinium spp. in colonies of Pocillopora spp. are highly stable despite the extensive prevalence of low-level background populations. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 462 1-7.

R.T. Smith and R. Iglesias-Prieto. A significant physiological cost to Caribbean corals infected with an 'opportunistic' Symbiodinium. European International Society for Reef Studies Symposium, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 2010.

T.C. LaJeunesse, R.T. Smith, M. Walther, J. Pinzon, D.T. Pettay, M. McGinley, M. Aschaffenburg, P. Medina-Rosas, A.L.Cupul-Magan, A. Lo´pez Pe´rez, H. Reyes-Bonilla and M.E. Warner (2010). Host–symbiont recombination versus natural selection in the response of coral–dinoflagellate symbioses to environmental disturbance. Proc R Soc Lond B.

R.T. Smith, J.H. Pinzon and T.C. LaJeunesse (2009). Symbiodinium (Dinophyta) diversity and stability in aquarium corals. Journal of Phycology. 45.

T.C. LaJeunesse, R.T. Smith, J. Finney and H. Oxenford (2009). Outbreak and persistence of opportunistic symbiotic dinoflagellates during the 2005 Caribbean mass coral 'bleaching' event. Proc R Soc Lond B. 276(1676):4139-4148.

R.T. Smith and T.C. LaJeunesse Prevalence of background populations of an opportunistic Symbiodinium among Caribbean coral communities. 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 2008.

R.T. Smith. Developing a real-time PCR assay for high-resolution detection of Symbiodnium-D in Cnidarian hosts. Symbiofest Meeting - Symbiotic Corals and Climate Change, May 2007.  

R.T. Smith. Intracolonial Variation in Coral Bleaching: Thermotolerance Variability of the Algal Symbionts. EPA Star Conference: Science to Achieve Results, 2003.