It’s Not About Planting A Million Corals. Or Even A Billion Corals.

 It’s About Planting The First Corals That Will Survive The Next Mass Coral Bleaching Event.

 Without significant reduction in CO2 emissions to prevent global temperature increase above +2°C, coral reefs will become extinct in our lifetime. Reef-safe sunscreens and marine protected areas will not save them.

But we can buy them some time. With selective breeding and assisted evolution, it’s possible to engineer thermal-tolerance into coral larvae. Collect gametes. Fertilize. Engineer billions of embryos with resilience to climate change. Then…


Restore Reefs With These Corals.


The Coral Restoration Ecology Lab is actively developing this science and technology, and innovative solutions to bring it to scale. If we can buy coral reefs more time, they may have a chance to provide future generations the inestimable wealth of goods and services they’ve provided humans since the beginning of time. This is our mission.